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Working with CMS.adoc

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Working with CMS

Using the CMS-PSU-API

CMS PSU API provides interfaces to be used by online-banking systems. Main purpose of these interfaces - providing access to internal data of business objects stored in CMS database. Access to this API is provided via REST requests. REST controllers classes are located in the de.adorsys.psd2.consent.web.psu.controller package.

CMS-PSU-API has 4 main parts which are implemented as separate REST controllers:

  • ASPSP consent data part;

  • AIS consent part;

  • PIS payment part;

  • PIIS consent part.

Below is the description of each controller with its endpoints and names of corresponding java source code methods.

This controller has endpoints for handling ASPSP consent data.

  • GET /psu-api/v1/aspsp-consent-data/consents/{consent-id} - reads ASPSP consent data by provided consent/payment ID. Corresponding java method - getAspspConsentData;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/aspsp-consent-data/consents/{consent-id} - updates ASPSP consent data by provided consent/payment ID. Java method - updateAspspConsentData;

  • DELETE /psu-api/v1/aspsp-consent-data/consents/{consent-id} - clears ASPSP consent data by provided consent/payment ID. Method - deleteAspspConsentData.

More detailed ASPSP data handling is described here.

This controller has endpoints for working with AIS consent entities and their attributes.

  • GET /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id} - returns AIS consent object by provided ID (ID should be internal). Corresponding java method is getConsentByConsentId;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/authorisation/{authorisation-id}/psu-data - updates PSU data for definite consent. Java - updatePsuDataInConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/authorisation/{authorisation-id}/status/{status} - updates status of AIS consent authorisation. Java - updateAuthorisationStatus;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/authorisation/psus - returns map consisting of PSU data IDs (keys) and statuses of their authorisations for the given consent (values). Method - psuDataAuthorisations;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/confirm-consent - switches the AIS consent status to VALID. Method name - confirmConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/reject-consent - switches the AIS consent status to REJECTED. Method - rejectConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/revoke-consent - switches the AIS consent status to REVOKED_BY_PSU. Method - revokeConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/authorise-partially-consent - switches the AIS consent status to PARTIALLY_AUTHORISED. Method - authorisePartiallyConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/{consent-id}/save-access - stores the account accesses for the definite consent with proper status (not applicable to REVOKED, CANCELLED and EXPIRED consent statuses). To be used for bank offered consents only. Java method - putAccountAccessInConsent;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/authorisation/{authorisation-id} - returns authorisation object by its ID. Method - getAuthorisationByAuthorisationId;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/consents - returns list of AIS consents by provided PSU-ID header. Java method - getConsentsForPsu;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/ais/consent/redirect/{redirect-id} - returns AIS consent object by provided authorisation (redirect) ID. Method - getConsentIdByRedirectId.

PIS payment controller

This controller has endpoints for working with PIS payment entities and their attributes.

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/{payment-id} - returns PIS payment object by provided ID (ID should be internal). Corresponding java method is getPaymentByPaymentId;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/payment/{payment-id}/authorisation/{authorisation-id}/status/{status} - updates status of PIS payment authorisation. Java method - updateAuthorisationStatus;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/{payment-id}/authorisation/psus - returns map consisting of PSU data IDs (keys) and statuses of their authorisations for the given payment (values). Also, holds the type of authorisation for payment (CREATED/CANCELLED). Method for this - psuAuthorisationStatuses;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/payment/{payment-id}/status/{status} - switches the PIS payment status. The status should be provided as a path variable. Method - updatePaymentStatus;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/authorisation/{authorisation-id} - returns authorisation object by its ID; Method - getAuthorisationByAuthorisationId;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/payment/authorisation/{authorisation-id}/psu-data - updates PSU data for definite authorisation. Method - updatePsuInPayment;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/cancellation/{payment-id} - returns PIS payment object by provided cancellation ID. Used method - getPaymentByPaymentIdForCancellation;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/cancellation/redirect/{redirect-id} - returns PIS payment object by provided cancellation authorisation (redirect) ID. Method - getPaymentIdByRedirectIdForCancellation;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/payment/redirect/{redirect-id} - returns PIS payment object by provided authorisation (redirect) ID. Method - getPaymentIdByRedirectId.

  • PUT psu-api/v1/payment/{payment_service}/{payment_product}/{payment_id} - updates initial payment.

This controller has endpoints for working with PIIS consent entities and their attributes.

  • GET /psu-api/v1/piis/consents - returns list of PIIS consent objects by provided header PSU-ID. Method name - getConsentsForPsu;

  • GET /psu-api/v1/piis/consents/{consent-id} - returns PIIS consent object by its ID. Method - getConsent;

  • PUT /psu-api/v1/piis/consents/{consent-id}/revoke-consent - revokes the definite PIIS consent (status switches to REVOKED_BY_PSU). In java - revokeConsent.


CMS-ASPSP-API is an API for banks to make particular changes in CMS and to get needed information from it. In order to do it, you can use several CMS-ASPSP-API REST controllers. They are located in the de.adorsys.psd2.consent.web.aspsp.controller package.

CMS-ASPSP-API includes next interfaces:

  • Events interface;

  • FundsConfirmation Consent interface;

  • Consents/Payments export interface;

  • Payment Transaction interface;

  • Tpp locking interface;

  • Tpp info interface.

CMS-ASPSP-API REST controllers provide next endpoints:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/events - get events for dates.

  • POST aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents - create PIIS consent.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents - get PIIS consents for PSU.

  • DELETE aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/{consent-id} - terminate PIIS consent.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/tpp/{tpp-id} - get consents by TPP.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/psu - get consents by PSU.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/account/{account-id} - get consents by account.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/tpp/{tpp-id} - get payments by TPP.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/psu - get payments by PSU.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/account/{account-id} - get payments by account ID.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/tpp/{tpp-id} - get PIIS consents by TPP.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/psu - get PIIS consents by PSU.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/account/{account-id} - get PIIS consents by account ID.

  • PUT aspsp-api/v1/pis/transaction-status/{payment-id}/status/{status} - update payment status.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list - get TPP stop list record.

  • PUT aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list/block - block TPP.

  • DELETE aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list/unblock - unblock TPP.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/ - get TPP info.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/{tpp-id} - get TPP info with path.

Using the Events interface

Funds Confirmation Consent interface (PIIS consent interface) allows ASPSP to manage consents for accessing Confirmation of Funds Service. It should be used only if ASPSP supports PIIS consents created by the ASPSP. This interface can be accessed either by REST endpoints in CMS or by Java methods in de.adorsys.psd2.consent.aspsp.api.piis.CmsAspspPiisService (in case of using CMS in embedded mode).

  • POST aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents (or CmsAspspPiisService#createConsent) - creates new PIIS consent for given PSU. Request for creating new consent must contain PSU credentials data, TPP authorisation number, account reference information and validUntil date. If the consent was successfully created, its ID will be returned in the response. Because PSU can only have one PIIS consent for one account and TPP, previously existing PIIS consent for the same PSU, account and TPP will get revoked (its status will become revokedByPsu)

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents (or CmsAspspPiisService#getConsentsForPsu) - returns list of all PIIS consents, associated with given PSU and optional instance ID.

  • DELETE aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/{consent-id} (or CmsAspspPiisService#terminateConsent) - terminates PIIS consent by its ID and optional instance ID. Consent will get status terminatedByAspsp. Response will contain true if the consent was found and successfully terminated, false otherwise.

Using the Consents/Payments export interface

Consents/Payments export interfaces give an opportunity to get consent/payment by TPP, PSU or account ID. In order to do that, you need to request endpoints of one of the CMS-ASPSP-API REST controllers:

  • CmsAspspAisExportController - provides access to ais consents;

  • CmsAspspPisExportController - provides access to payments;

  • CmsAspspPiisExportController - provides access to piis consents.

CmsAspspAisExportController export endpoints are:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/tpp/{tpp-id} - get consents by TPP. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of AIS consents objects by given mandatory TPP ID, optional creation date, PSU ID Data and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByTpp;

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/psu - get consents by PSU. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of AIS consents objects by given mandatory PSU ID Data, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByPsu.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/ais/consents/account/{account-id} - get consents by account ID. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of AIS consents objects by given mandatory aspsp account id, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByAccount.

CmsAspspPisExportController export endpoints are:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/tpp/{tpp-id} - get payments by TPP. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of payments objects by given mandatory TPP ID, optional creation date, PSU ID Data and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getPaymentsByTpp.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/psu - get payments by PSU. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of payments objects by given mandatory PSU ID Data, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getPaymentsByPsu.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/pis/payments/account/{account-id} - get payments by account ID. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of payments objects by given mandatory aspsp account id, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getPaymentsByAccountId.

CmsAspspPiisExportController export endpoints are:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/tpp/{tpp-id} - get PIIS consents by TPP. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of PIIS consents by given mandatory TPP ID, optional creation date, PSU ID Data and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByTpp.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/psu - get PIIS consents by PSU. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of PIIS consents by given mandatory PSU ID Data, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByPsu.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/piis/consents/account/{account-id} - get PIIS consents by account ID. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get a list of PIIS consents by given mandatory aspsp account id, optional creation date and instance ID. Corresponding java method - getConsentsByAccountId.

Using the Payment Transaction interface

Payment transaction interface serves for changing transaction status for payment in CMS database. In consists one REST controller - CmsAspspPisTransactionController.

CmsAspspPisTransactionController has one endpoint:

  • PUT /aspsp-api/v1/pis/transaction-status/{payment-id}/status/{status} - update transaction status. On this endpoint you can update transaction status of payment by its payment ID. In order to do this you should enter payment id and new transaction status as path variables, also you can pass instance id as header, but it is not required.

Using the Tpp locking interface

Tpp locking interface gives an access to TPP stop list and provides possibility to block and unblock TPP by TPP authorisation number. In order to do it, you can use Tpp locking REST controller - CmsAspspStopListController.

CmsAspspStopListController endpoints are:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list - get TPP stop list record. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get TPP stop list record by mandatory TPP authorisation number and optional instance ID. Corresponding java method - getTppStopListRecord.

  • PUT aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list/block - block TPP. Requesting this endpoint you’ll block TPP by mandatory TPP authorisation number, optional instance ID and lock period. Corresponding java method - blockTpp.

  • DELETE aspsp-api/v1/tpp/stop-list/unblock - unblock TPP. Requesting this endpoint you’ll unblock TPP by mandatory TPP authorisation number and optional instance ID. Corresponding java method - unblockTpp.

Using the Tpp info interface

Tpp info interface provide access to TPP info. In order to get it, you can use Tpp info REST controller - CmsAspspTppInfoController.

CmsAspspTppInfoController endpoints are:

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/ - get TPP info. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get TPP info by mandatory TPP authorisation number and optional instance ID. Corresponding java method - getTppInfo.

  • GET aspsp-api/v1/tpp/{tpp-id} - get TPP info with path. Requesting this endpoint you’ll get TPP info with path by mandatory TPP ID, TPP authorisation number and optional instance ID. Corresponding java method - getTppInfoWithPath.